terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Clutch - [1993] Transnational Speedway League: Anthems, Anedoctes and Undeniable Thruths

Quanto mais eu ouço, mais eu gosto de Clutch. Pra falar a verdade, eu não conheço toda a discografia da banda, só ouvi até agora 4 discos (Esse, o ultimo, Jam Room e BlastTyrant). Mas é que eu curto tanto esses quatro que quero esgotá-los antes de partir pros outros. "El Jefe Speaks" tem um dos melhores riffs com wah da história. E como mudou a voz do Neil Fallon com o tempo hein. Era ótima e continua ótima. Clássico!
The more I listen, the more I love Clutch. Being honest, I'm not familiar with their entire catalogue. I just listen repeatedely to this one, the last one, Jam Room and Blast Tyrant. The thing is that I love these four so much that I want to dig them a little more before pay atention to the rest of their work. One thing at a time. "El Jefe Speaks" is one of the best wah-riffs that I've ever listen to. Just classic

Clutch - [1993] Transnational Speedway League: Anthems, Anedoctes and Undeniable Thruths

A Shogun Named Marcus
El Jefe Speaks
Binge and Purge
12 Ounce Epilogue
Milk Of Human Kindness
Walking in the Great Shining Path Of Monster Trucks

Rock On!

1 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

One of the BEST Albums in the 90s!

An early Album, the sound more like Helmet, more Hardcore and noisy.

Heavy Thing!

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